Amsterdam6shooters International Sharp Practice Event 2022: We Had a Great Weekend!

Our club icon mr Eltjo Verweij organized for the second time now a Sharp Practice event, in our wargame palace in Amsterdam. Two full days. Fun multiplayer games, not a tournament in a strict sense, loose on rules, the outcome of a game influenced your rating. Some highlights:

  • we had visitors from Belgium and even 6 players from the land behind the horizon, far away, even outside the European Union… The UK!
  • we had visitors from outside Amsterdam! (as Amsterdammers, we consider everything east of IJburg Asia, desert, or (Ant)Artica. We also had our Hungarian expat In Da House.
  • Mr 2FatLardies Richard Clarke joined the event and played both days. He didn’t win. He even scored quite low :-). [please keep this silent]
  • We had a wonderful Surinamese dinner, also very international.
  • A Dutchman with an Italian army won the ’tournament’. Dutch cheese with spaghetti, always a winning combination.
  • We celebrated our 8th birthday. We love the smell of red velvet cake in the morning.
  • Great to see so many painted Napoleonic figures on so many tables.
  • You missed the show? No problem. This will not be our last event. We want more!

No Dice Rolling? Let’s Paint!

I hope everybody enjoys the sunny weather this week. We Amsterdam6shooters hope to reopen soon, but as you may have noticed, our requests to our government to proclaim ‘wargame clubs’ an ‘essential service’ have not been honoured. Yet. We don’t surrender.

In the meantime, just to show you we’re alive and kicking and share fun, keeping digital distance, a link to two blogs.

The Amsterdam Battle Brothers (Dino Kho’s 40K tournament organization) published a ‘TableTop Journal‘, dedicated to 40K. Incredible painting examples. A few pics, from Amsterdam gamers.

Painted by Marten Scherpenzeel
Painted by Stelios Marinakis
and Jonathan Coughlan, who wrongfully claims he can’t compete with Marten or Stelios.

I will ask Dean to share his knowledge about making ‘online magazine publishing’, so that we can make a true A6S clubzine, some day. His magazine looks good.

Beyond 40K I painted 1,8K. I slowpainted a showcase model, ‘Napoleon à Fontainebleau’. In March 1814, 207 years ago, he lost Paris. He went to his Fontainebleau palace and abdicated in April (probably thinking ‘I’ll be back’ as he did in 1815, when he found his Waterloo). I finally had time to paint this 90mm (!) miniature. Tutorial here.

Send us your pictures or post your current project in our Facebook forum. In the meantime, have fun and live life to the fullest! A true Emperor (Grimdark or Napoleonic) never abdicates, but drinks champagne!


Uw drie desperados – El Martino, El Jur Y Jano en El Tjo – kwamen heden bijeen voor spel annex playtest General D’Armee.

Wat kan ik er van zeggen?

  1. GdA houdt in het midden tussen Sharp Practice (een Napoleontisch skirmish game) en Blücher (Grand Battle). Het is bedoeld om grotere slagen te spelen en toch iets met tactiek en formatie en skirmishers te doen.
  2. Hoofdkenmerk is dat je een – gelimiteerd – aantal ‘opdrachten’ aan je brigades kunt geven. Of de opdracht doorkomt hangt af van de dobbelsteen (50% kans) en of je een re-roll inzet. Je kunt daarnaast opdracht geven om iets gerichts te doen (gericht aanvallen, gericht schieten, extra snel bewegen). Maar niet alles kan tegelijkertijd dus je moet prioriteiten stellen.
  3. Drie voelt leeg als je acht, tien of vijftien gewend bent. Ik wil het oude normaal. Ik wil dat de bar open is, dat iedereen gewoon kan binnenlopen, dat leden niet bang zijn, ik wil geen mondkapje moeten dragen, ik wil gewoon kunnen hoesten als ik een kriebel in mijn keel heb zonder bezorgde blikken. Erg jammer, deze tweede lockdown. Zorg en ziekte en flatten the curve snap ik best, maar ik wil gewoon gezellig kluppie zijn. Ik hoop op gezond verstand en dat het gauw niet meer hoeft. Coronamoe.
  4. Het scenario was net schaak: pak de beste centrumpositie en woon de tegenstander uit. Ging goed. Iets met Oostenrijkers, Napoleon en Beieren. En Fransen. En een brug geloof ik. Oktoberfest.


5. Recensie? Ik haal deze aan:

These are not grand tactical rules in my view which is what you really need to handle battles involving Corps and Armies. I know that DB uses them for large multi-player games, but I would tend to equate that to playing a Big CoC game with Chain of Command. Effectively you are playing a series of parallel Divisional level games (…)

I put the skirmish just as an example, not that I have a problem with it.
My complaint is that micro-management of battalions (formations, orders, accounting of casualties, detail management of skirmish screens…) tend to both take a lot of time and distract from what the focus should be given the scale of the game; many of tehse actions should be undertaken by a colonel not an army general. There are alternative ways to introduce the effect of skirmishes in a battle without the need to go down into such level of minutae, for example with modifiers.

Having said that, the command, fire and melee systemas are great and the Napoleonic feel is definetivey therein GdA, and I won’t stop playing.
Clearly I’m on the side of large games and probably must continue searching and investigating other rules. This is the reason why I also stopped almost totally playing Sharp Practice, not that I found the rules badly designed or whatever (on the contrary, they are brilliant) but it was not the scale I wanted to play Napoleonics.

Skandal am Sperrbezirk

Sharp Practice Narrative Campaign Day 2019

Revenge! revenge! a gory shroud
To tyrants, and the slaves that yield’
Eternal honor calls aloud
For courage in the battle-field.
Who loves or fears a conquered land
That bows beneath the despot’s hand?

Germany 1809 campaign

In 1809, the Austrians took advantage of the French pre-occupation with Spain to plan their revenge. They were in contact with the British and with German rebel leaders, members of the Tugendbund (League of Virtue).

British advancing on the Wies'n

Together, they came up with a coordinated plan of fomenting rebellion in the German states, while the British would invade the Dutch/German coast and the Austrians attack Bavaria (*). Napoleon did not return in time to take charge of the French, but below commanders were there in 2019, at the Skandal im Sperrbezirk Sharp Practice Campaign Day.

Town/notable terrain Game 1 Empire Game 1 Coalition Game 2 Empire Game 2 Coalition
Donaustadt  Bridge Dick & Taco French/French (Italian) Mark & Alex (Austrians)    
Wies’n Hotel L’Amour Phil & Rogier (French) David & Steven (Brunswick/’Austrians’) Bram & Dick French Maarten & Mark Schill/Austrian
Mistdorf Heath Jos & Jurjen French (Polish)/Westphalians Joe & Maarten Schill Freikorps Leigh & Jurjen French/Westphalian Fred & Alex Austrian
Käseburg Customs House Leigh & Marc French/Danish Robert & Arjan British Phil & Rory French/Holland Steven & Robert British
Roompot Windmill Rory Kingdom of Holland Jenny British (KGL) Rogier & Taco French Joe & Arjan Schill/British
Handwerp Church     Marc & Jos Danish/French (Polish) Jenny & David British (KGL)/Brunswick

Games played. Bold: Major Win, Italic: Minor Loss

Marc (Danish) winner of the campaign

Marc’s Force Commander Johann von Ewald used to be a commander of Hessians in the American War of Independence. By 1809 he was of pensioner age and acted like a Coward accordingly. At Käseburg he let Leigh’s provisional Cuirassier unit win the day with a flank charge on the British Line, while holding off his own opponent. At Handwerp he tried to defend the church with his Jaegers, while Jos’ Poles stood in the open, volleying away with his Polish Uhlans harassing the rear of the coalition forces.

Marc hiding behind the church.
  • Historically, there were plans for coordinated attacks on the French, but they all failed. The German rebels were defeated piecemeal, and by the time the British invaded Walcheren, the Austrians had already suffered a crushing defeat at Wagram.

Danes Win Big Dutch Sharp Practice Game Day

Our club Napoleon Eltjo organized 23/3 a grand Sharp Practice ’tournament’ day – all casual gaming of course, but with a series of linked tables that influenced the overall outcome of the battle(s). The games were based on the 1809 Campaign. 22 participants from Amsterdam, several from the UK that is now part of Europe but soon a place in hell, and others from towns like Meppel which is hell already :-).

Prussians charged, French ate Brits for lunch, Brunswickers were chased away, Austrians made schnitzel from the Westphalians. Result? “Wargame is a simple game: 11 vs 11,  about 90 minutes, a couple of dice, and in the end the Germans Danes win”.