Project Waterloo: The Table terrain set up… and the rules!
Based upon Martin Rapier’s variant of Neil Thomas’ One Hour Wargames:
One Hour Napoleonic (MR 02.01.24)
Turn sequence. 1) Draw Chance Card 2) Shoot 3) Move, Resolve cavalry charges
charge only; 2x dice flank attack or vs Light Infantry,
or Artillery not in cover; 2D6 v Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
charge only; 2 x dice flank attack, or vs Light Infantry
or Artillery not in cover.
1 .5
1 box range: 3D6
2-4 box range: 2D6
5-8 box range: 1 D6
2 x dice vs flanks of infantry or cavalry, or vs Squares
Ignores all cover except fortifications.
Line Infantry
1 box range: 3D6
2 box range 1 D6
May pivot to face a charge
Light Infantry
2 box range: 1 D6
Attacks ignore cover. No flanks. Take half hits from
infantry/artillery fire but double hits from cavalry.
Rifles increase range to 3 boxes (still 1 D6).
Shooting requires LOS, may fire overhead from a higher elevation. Arc of fire +/- 45 degrees, 360 from an occupied
SP/Town. Artillery may not fire from town. Units move OR shoot. Roll specified number of dice.
3+ to hit. Half effect 5+. Quarter effect 6. Reduce morale 1 for each hit. Cavalry do NOT shoot!
Targets that suffer 3 (or more) hits from shooting from a single source = retreat 1 box directly away from source. Steadfast troops ignore this effect. Conscripts retreat one box as above when suffering 2 (or more) hits from a single shooter.
Rout Units rout when their morale is reduced to 0. Attached Leader +1. If a unit is routed by Line Infantry musketry
(1 box range), the firer may advance into the empty hex.
MovementUnits face a box side; no diagonals!. May pivot at the start and end of their move only, otherwise move forward,
plus or minus 45 degrees; moves on the diagonal cost 1.5. Standard move rates are for units deployed for combat.
Reluctant units- must roll a D6 and score less than their remaining remaining hits to advance or charge,
Interpenetration Light Infantry may pass through and be passed through by any troops from any angle. Other troops may
temporarily overstack if they are facing in the same direction at the start of the turn, but must end the turn
unstacked, (so units may swap places or pass through).
Cavalry ChargesCavalry must have LOS to target to charge (so no charging over ridges or through friendly units). Cavalry
may not pivot before charging and must have enough movement to enter the target box. Cavalry can charge
over bridges or into towns or a wood via a road but at half effect due to narrow frontage. This is in addition
to any cover bonuses the target may have. If the charge routs the enemy, occupy the target box, otherwise cavalry
remains next to the target unit. Units with Shock charging units without same gain an extra D6 in melee.
Only the unit that charges inflicts casualties! Note that Infantry and Artillery may NOT engage in melee!
Impetuous units that charge MUST continue to charge on subsequent turns as long as there are any valid targets!
Square Infantry units may go into or out of square at the beginning of their movement phase. Unit in Square
may not move or shoot, but also may NOT be charged by cavalry while in Square.
Bayonet ChargeIf a Line Infantry unit routs an enemy with massed (1 box) musketry, it may advance into the vacant hex.
Column of Route.Line Infantry/Guns +1 box cross country, +2 boxes entirely on road. Cavalry, Light Infantry +1 box entirely on
road (no bonus x-country). Treat units as flanked for all combat, may not fight in column of route apart from
cavalry. Cavalry may charge in CoR at half effect. To exit formation, move a normal move next turn.
Roads. Roads may only be used in Column of Route, they allow units to enter/cross otherwise impassable terrain
and impart a movement bonus.
Infantry charge response vs Cavalry Line Infantry may pivot to face cavalry if charged.
Towns and Strongpoints (SP): Towns fill a whole box, SPs are isolated farm complexes etc. All unit types can end their move inside towns
and SPs; but only infantry can occupy them. Occupied towns and SPs count all their sides as “front”; they can
thus shoot 360° and cannot be charged/shot “in the flank/rear”. Line and Light infantry attacked at half effect
by Line Infantry. Artillery cannot fire while in a town, but fires at units in them as normal. Cavalry can only
charge units inside towns/SP at half effect vs cavalry/guns (5+) and quarter effect vs Infantry(6).
Morale Hits reduce morale. When a unit has lost all its hits, it routs and may not be recovered in the timeframe of the
An Army may have one or more leaders allocated to it. Leaders move with units or as cavalry although they may
enter woods. A leader stacked with a unit under their command allows it to take one extra hit before routing and
adds a bonus to its morale roll.
Leader RiskIf a leader is in a box which takes a hit, leader is removed on a 2D6 roll of ‘2’. If the leader is in a box where
the unit routs, or if they are overrun by an enemy unit, they are lost on a 1D6 roll of ‘1’. If they are overrun and
survive, the leader retires 1 box.
Unit types
Army and Corps commanders of notable repute
Line Infantry Conventional infantry formations operating mainly in close order. They are assumed to have skirmishers screens
and attached artillery, accounting for their long range. Represent 6-8000 men, but the size may be adjusted for
different battles, but keep the 2:1 ratio with cavalry.
Light Infantry Infantry with a much thicker skirmish screen, and a limited number of formed supports. The optimum units
for operating in broken or close terrain. They also have attached artillery. Represent 6-8000 men.
Close order cavalry, very effective against infantry in the flank or against guns and light infantry.
Heavy Cavalry
More effective against other types of cavalry. Have attached horse batteries. Represent 3-4000 men
Artillery Corps/Army reserve artillery grand batteries. Most artillery is assumed to be attached directly to units.
Represent 50-60 guns. Units assumed to have around 20-30 guns each.
Troop quality Excellent units with high morale and cohesion or possibly very strong units – 7 hits. Good Units with good morale and cohesion – 6 hits. Poor Units with poor training, leadership, morale, tactics or possibly just weak – 5 hits. French Old Guard Units – 8 hits
Units within 1 box may force enemy to reroll one successful hit from Fire per turn.Lobau: Units within 1 box may reroll one missed die in melee per turn
1 No effect
2,3,4 Regain 1 hit
5,6 Regain 2 hits
Project Waterloo: Netherlands Command
Project Waterloo: Belgian Militia
Project Waterloo: Movie Quotes and Game Results!
With the theme for 2024 being “Historicon goes to the Movies”, part of the idea for the game is to use quotes from the film to make chance cards. I thought of all sorts of creative ideas, but in the end decided to just go with the ideas Neil Thomas set forth himself in One Hour Wargames, slightly modified. The result was one deck of 15 chance cards for each side.
French Quote
French Effect
[Observing the advance of the Gordon Highlanders]
Napoleon: Has Wellington nothing to offer me but
these Amazons?
Mulholland: Brave Frenchmen! You have done all that
the honor of war demands; His Grace, the Duke of
Wellington, invites you to save your lives! Will you
Cambronne: MERDE!
Napoleon: Those men on grey horses are terrifying.
Marshal Soult: They are the noblest cavalry in
Europe; and the worst led.
Napoleon: That may be; that may be, but we will
match them with our lancers.
Napoleon [in pain from piles] My body is dying, but
my mind is still good!
Napoleon: The only enemy I fear is nature.
Napoleon: Never interrupt your enemy while he’s making
a mistake. That’s bad manners.
Enemy Panic!
One enemy unit acquires
1-3 hits!
Napoleon: What’s he doing? What’s Ney doing? Can’t
I leave the field for a minute? How can a man go
forward with the cavalry without infantry support?
1-3 French units of one
command may not move
this turn
Napoleon: Let’s not have any disagreement.
Any disagreement only leads to disaster.
1-3 French units of one
command may not move
this turn
Napoleon: This Wellington wages war in a new way.
He fights, sitting on his ass. Well, we’ll have to move
him off it.
Low Ammo
1-3 French units of one
command may not fire
this turn
Napoleon: Battles are lost and won in a quarter
of an hour.
Low Ammo
1-3 French units of one
command may not fire
this turn
Napoleon: If I die, it will be here, in the field,
with my men!
A single French unit
acquires 1-3 hits
Wellington: On the field of battle his hat is worth
fifty thousand men; but he is not a gentleman.
A single French unit is
chosen to either move
twice, move then shoot,
or shoot twice.
Wellington: [on Napoleon’s maneuver that split the
English and Prussian armies]
By God, that man does war honor.
A single French unit is
chosen to either move
twice, move then shoot,
or shoot twice.
Napoleon: I’ve been in this position before, at the
battle of Marengo. I lost the battle at 5:00, but I won it
back again at 7!
1-3 French units are
chosen to remove 1-2 hits
Napoleon: Let me tell you something. The most
precious quality in life is loyalty. Loyalty!
1-3 French units are
chosen to remove 1-2 hits
British Quote
British effect
Wellington: Next to a battle lost, the saddest thing
is a battle won.
Lord Uxbridge: As I am second-in-command and in case anything should happen to you, what
are your plans?
Wellington: To beat the French.
Wellington: Dramatic fellows, these French. Music and banners. Quite beautiful. You’re a lucky fellow,
aren’t you, Hay, to see such a wonder in
your first battle.
Lord Gordon: Good beans, Wellington!
Wellington: If there is anything in this world about which I know positively nothing, it is agriculture.
[before the battle starts, the British troops are
singing a mocking song about Napoleon]
William De Lancey: Shall I shut them up, Sir?
Wellington: No, no, indulge it . Anything that wastes time is good. Indulge it. Normally I don’t like cheering,
but there’s always a time to cut cards with the Devil.
Mulholland: We’re doing murder, your grace.
Wellington: I hope to God… that I’ve fought my last battle.
Enemy Panic!
One enemy unit
acquires 1-3 hits!
Lord Uxbridge: By God, Sir. I’ve lost my leg.
Wellington: By God, Sir. So you have.
1-3 Allied units of one
command may not
move this turn
Wellington: If Blucher doesn’t show up here soon,
they’ll break every bone in my body!
1-3 Allied units of one
command may not
move this turn
Wellington: Brotherly business, isn’t it, De Lancey…
Low Ammo
1-3 Allied units of one
command may not fire
this turn
Wellington: Commanders of armies have
something better to do than to fire at each other.
Low Ammo
1-3 Allied units of one
command may not fire
this turn
Wellington: It appears, Uxbridge, we’re losing the battle. Give me night, or give me Blucher!
A single Allied unit
acquires 1-3 hits
Sarah: General Picton doesn’t know how to walk
in a ballroom.
Wellington: But he is very good when he is
dancing with the French.
A single Allied unit may
be chosen to either
move twice, move then shoot, or shoot twice.
Wellington: The whole line will advance.
Lord Uxbridge: In which direction, your grace?
Wellington: Why, straight ahead to be sure.
A single Allied unit may
be chosen to either
move twice, move then shoot, or shoot twice.
Wellington: [referring to his army] I don’t know
what they’ll do to the enemy; but, by God,
they frighten me.
1-3 Allied units are
chosen to remove 1-2
hits each
Wellington: They’re coming on in the same old style.
Picton: Well, then we shall have to meet them in the
same old style.
1-3 Allied units are
chosen to remove 1-2
hits each