Just two pictures today to show what a happy chaps we are! To quote Shakespeare:
From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember’d; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother
The picture on top is from the Sharp Practice afternoon we had yesterday, the friendly bold & beautiful is Paul, a Brit working for the EU, we think the Mohicans would be proud of him: the two chaps below are Sjap and Marten, who won the best player award at Alliance Open. And the biggest Amsterdam smile award!
Next clubday is next weekend (Sunday 6), extra day, and Oct 12 (our regular Saturday). See you! Don’t forget to book!
Only three tables yesterday: a group of our 40K regulars went to the London Great Tournament to play a certain game involving Space Marines; Mark still sick; Eltjo playing hide-and-seek in his mancave… and expensive parking on Saturdays discourages our car-owning members a bit. However we killed miniatures and killed time. This time 40K, Necromunda and Dropzone Commander. All SF! I tried my DZC toys and tested the LEDs that I bought.
Napoleon was not far away: I left his painted bust in the kitchen and Eltjo commissioned an official A6S Napoleonic cuirassier in campaign dress to Steve Barber Models.
Next weekend the Honour & Glory 40K tournament and the week thereafter a regular club sunday again.
Good news! Now that we have about 40 members we have a) more people that want to play more often b) more members who want to open the doors more often. Maarten contacted our Pontania mother organisation and booked extra club days for the rest of this year. We can now play games 3 times per month. Check the calendar (and don’t forget to make a reservation for your table!)
Below a pictorial summary of some of our recent games.
Other news
Our club regular and pillar MarkN broke his leg. We hope he gets well soon!
admin DinoK will focus more on his ABB tournaments, so MaxV has replaced him as board member.
we finally have a mobile PIN code reader, so you can pay your drinks with your bank card instead with cash
DinoK has planned several 40K tournaments and Eltjo a Sharp Practice tournament.
we’re still upgrading scenery, although the collection is nearly finished. We dumped 3 boxes old and worn scenery last weekend – how sad we had to part our ways, how good that we can buy bigger and better scenery to replace it!
Five years ago we kickstarted our – then – poor Amsterdam6shooters Wargame club with home made roads, green cloths and printed paper rivers. Old Guardsman Rob glued the paper rivers on MDF pieces and upgraded our gaming experience back in 2014.
Currently we are rich, with luxurious battle mats and 3d scenery – so these old seven-piece-paper-on-MDF-club river suddenly looked flat and ugly.
I thought a second about throwing them all away, but I prefer recycling if possible. Rob made them with love and honour. They deserved a second life. I did a 10 euro make-over.
So I first painted the river pieces with green, light and dark blue and white stripes to give it more contrast, and flocked the borders. I varnished the newly flocked borders with Army Painter dip to make it stronger. Here’s the work in progress.
Work in progress
Close up before the Vallejo treatment
For 10 euro I bought ‘Vallejo Still Water’ in my local hobbystore, MUCO (the very last non-GW brick & mortar model store in Amsterdam – support the last man standing). It’s a gloss transparent varnish that you can drip or sprinkle from the bottle to the pool or river. Not for waterfalls or waves, but excellent for a simple river.
I liberally spilled it between the river banks and added a dark blue wash in the center of the fluid. The wash mixed with the varnish, clouding the center part of the river. I added glitter and small stones to enhance the water effect.
That was all.
Here’s the final result.
One of the seven pieces. Judge for yourself. “Gonna lay down my sword and shield/down by the riverside/down by the riverside…/”
De Amsterdamse wargame-scene groeit nog steeds en er is animo voor meer clubdagen op – vooral – zondagen. De parkeertarieven zijn omhooggegaan naar 6 euro per uur op zaterdag, dus een bezoekje voelt de autobezitter wel in zijn portemonnee. Die superdure Noord-Zuidlijn moet namelijk afbetaald worden!
Onze club heeft daarom extra zondagen bijgeboekt. Als we het met sleutel/barrooster kunnen regelen en met onze wijkclub Pontania hopen we vanaf deze zomer twee zondagen en een zaterdag open te zijn. Volg de berichten op onze website en in de kalender.
Afgelopen zondag was weer vol en gevarieerd met 40K, Sharp Practice, DBA, Blood & Plunder, Age of Sigmar en twee tafels Bolt Action.
Bolt Action.
Hier de olifanten die de Macedoniërs de stuipen gaven
Blood & Plunder
DBA met Paul en Marc. Companions vs Indians! Alexander de Grote werd Alexander de Kleine dankzij Porus de Indiër
Druk, vol, gezellig, zowel op tafel als er omheen
Age of Sigmar. Jawel!
Eltjo en Maarten Sharp Practisten. Jacht op een politieke gevangene. Uitslag: remise