Best Wishes For 2020!

What will next year bring to our club of wargamers?

  • After Brexit, the pound will crash. Finally, wargaming will become a very cheap hobby.
  • GW invents ‘Auto Paint’. Auto Paint is a new multicoloured wash that automatically and magically paints every part of miniature in the right colour.
  • NATO will be renamed as ‘North Atlantic Tin Soldier Organization’
  • Celebrities like Justin Bieber and Leonardo DiCaprio will publicly declare that they have been wargamers for a very long time. Suddenly, our hobby is not a geek hobby anymore. Beautiful girls will ask you to bring your favorite miniature to their bedroom, and want you to teach them how to paint to wake their ‘orc inside me’. They will abandon their Porsche Cayenne-boyfriend.
  • In Damascus, the world powers, terrorist organizations, and presidents from Middle Eastern countries agree to spare human lives and fight with dice and hard plastic or white metal figures from now on.
  • The first female pope, Scarlett Johannson I, will open the exhibition ‘Mike’s Mighty Miniatures’ in the Sixtine Chapel in Vatican City, thousands of figures secretly painted by Michelangelo in the 15th century.

And the most radical development:

  • You’re going to paint all your miniatures, even the last one. No lead or plastic pile anymore, ever!

Happy New Year and all the best in 2020!

picture: courtesy of the fantasyhammer blog:

A Birthday In Blood

We had a full house today. Eight tables, half of them 40k, half of them historical. A house divided cannot stand alone 🙂

We also had a birthday party. Jonathan (his name means ‘gift of God’) had his 33rd happy birthday last weekend and brought us cake. Life is a piece of cake when you’re young. Here’s Johnny!

Sorry, mistake.

HERE’s Johnny:

the less hair, the more mature you look

He played a 40 scenario against Björn. Very christmas: a silent night, Space Marine Claus, ho-ho-ho, and shoot-to-kill just like in Israel. He, Björn, Dino, Ruud and a few others had an excellent 40k-time.

Robert, Rogier, Fred and Rob played Blood and Plunder, the pirate game.

Kaj and Mark tried Black Seas, the naval wargame, X-Wing with sails, Mark called it.

I missed an ADLG Spartans vs Athens Mantinea battle 418 BC). Heard it was fun, but isn t wargame always?

From Belgium With Love

Our most distant member is Taco in Kuwait, and we have ex-members in London, Moscow and Australia. Today however we had a visitor from Leuven, the Dutch-Belgian Allied Infantry Force Huub S. We taught him a lesson in DBA.

The same Huub as above, now with head.

Have I ever said that classic DBA is a very subtle, quick system? It’s all maneuvering and using terrain to gain the upper hand. I should play it more regularly, to know the rules by heart (but I should also play Hail Caesar, Maurice, Blücher, Lasalle, Spearhead, IABSM and Dropzone more often :-))

Just 50 15mm miniatures per side and a 90x90cm wargame table – only chess has an easier setup. We played a Roman blades vs Celtic chariots game. Due to bad luck Huubs center companies were slow, so I could corner his flank units before he could roll up my center. Fastplay, easy to learn (and teach), hard to master. Quick thinking needed. We liked that.

We had more stuff from Belgium. We bought bridges at Crisis. Quite happy with the result after painting.

The usual suspects committed their usual crimes: Bolt Action, Flames of War, Blood & Plunder.

No 40K today – next time? Because in the grim dark future, there is only war… 🙂

Mud. Blood. Roads. Women.

A few lousy pics from a recent club day. The good news: the wargame gene can be inherited. Taco brought his daughter Puck.

She has the same Napoleonic talents as her father, in the center.
Rob & Rogier played Blood & Plunder. Espen & Mark a quick game of Flames of War.

In other news: Today I upgraded our old paper club roads with mastic (‘montage kit’) a special glue, wash and flock I gave them more depth.

Plasmaguns & Muskets Rule

Just two pictures today to show what a happy chaps we are! To quote Shakespeare:

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother

The picture on top is from the Sharp Practice afternoon we had yesterday, the friendly bold & beautiful is Paul, a Brit working for the EU, we think the Mohicans would be proud of him: the two chaps below are Sjap and Marten, who won the best player award at Alliance Open. And the biggest Amsterdam smile award!

Next clubday is next weekend (Sunday 6), extra day, and Oct 12 (our regular Saturday). See you! Don’t forget to book!