New Club Army: Ravenguard Space Marines!

We already had Napoleonic and Bolt Action armies, but with the growing ranks of 40K-players in our club, we thought it necessary to buy a 40K army for shared use. Well, what is ‘necessary’? Nothing is really necessary in life, except for oxygen, water and food. This Ravenguard army is a luxury.

However, it’s a necessary luxury because new players that have contacted us this year mailed that they restarted without figures or that they have not yet complete armies. 40K is expensive. One of our club goals is to make wargaming more affordable and easier to play.

This second hand marktplaats deal – only 200 euro – is a great deal:

  • 1 Lt Phobos
  • 1x Redemptor dreadnought
  • 1x Captain Gravis
  • 1x Captain Phobos
  • 1x Libarian Phobos
  • 1x Judicar
  • 1x Chaplain
  • 1x Lt Phobos reiver armour
  • 1x Ancient
  • 15x Intercessors (9 niet gebouwd)
  • 10x Infiltrator (2 niet gebouwd)
  • 3x Eliminators
  • 3x Suppressors (2 niet gebouwd)
  • 6x Outriders
  • 1x Invictus Warsuit (gemagnetiseerd)
  • 1x Deredeo (gemagnetiseerd)

According to our 40K-experts it’s a complete army. Not an ‘unbeatable tournament army’ for a highly competitive player, but an excellent middle of the road army for casual play and introducing new players.

Besides, we can use these models for Infinity, Gates of Antares, the FUBAR 40K variant or Stargrave, the SF Frostgrave variant.

The majority of the models is painted, as I understand (the package will be delivered next week). Some need finishing. If you like painting and like to help the club, contact us. We think it’s a very useful investment.

I found a SpeedPaint tutorial here!

I Committed A 40K Wargame Crime – I Speedpainted A Space Marine!

I was busy reordering, discarding and deleting pictures from my wargame project table. I found the silent witnesses of a crime. Pictures I took when speedpainting a Space Marine. The whole figure was painted in less than ten minutes. Blasphemy, some painters/gamers/collectors might think. A capital crime. These miniatures are so special that only delicate painting might to justice to these works of art.

But I’m not an artist. I’m a workhorse working on big historical battle armies in 15mm and 6mm. I tried this small experiment to see if non-GW-Army Painter techniques give a ‘good enough’- result on 28mm Space Marines. I share it with my fellow club gamers who might not want a ‘best painted miniatures’-award but like to have a tabletop quality on their table. Here’s the how to.

Ready for the crime

I learned my Space Marine how to swim. He’s a Marine, after all. He almost drowned. I took him out before he suffocated.

24 hours drying and an extra matt varnish. Here’s the result.

Probably not as good as the Contrast Paint-ed Space Marines below. But I don’t ask you: is it good? My question is: would the miniature above be good enough?

here be geeks blog, Space Marine with several CP-paints.

Hey 40K-ers, This Is Dropzone!

Challenge from your war correspondent. Are you ready to rumble?

Many 40K club members know me as that bald man who is always busy with his 6mm Napoleonics, too small to see for the human eye.

In fact I’m not. Yes, I admit, 6mm is a great wonderful scale and Napoleon the greatest person ever alive, even bigger than Johan Cruijff, Jesus Christ or myself – but I do have larger scales (28mm Renaissance, for example, and WW2 that I donated to the club for the common good) and I do play other eras (fantasy Conan and Frostgrave, post apoc Zombicide).

I missed the 40K-boat in the nineties, when I quit wargaming and switched to roleplay and computer wargaming. And chasing women and jobs. I alwas was in-between jobs and had a girl, or vice versa.

But that doesn’t mean that I dislike SF or hate Warhammer. I just don’t have sweet teenage memories about Space Marines or an old T’Au army that yearns to be tabled. I have teenage memories about Airfix Hussars, and a box with 1/72 Tiger and Sherman tanks somewhere.

SF wargaming is beautiful, the 40K tables that I see during club days are impressive. A couple of years ago I added SF to my wish list and I bought 10mm Dropzone miniatures, that were low on my painting priority list. I had to finish my mountains of 6mm Prussians first, you see!

In the past lockdown months however I found time to complete this project. Dropzone is a mix between 40K Epic and Necromunda (gangs fighting for objectives). I have 4 armies now and can stage quite large cityfights, with UCM (humanoid ‘Star Wars rebels’), Scourge (‘Dark Eldar’), PHR (Cyborg) and Shaltari (bugs, ‘Tyranid’). See pics below.

Post-lockdown I need opponents. I hope that SF-games like Epic-copy Dropzone, and Warmaster-inspired Future War Commander can bridge the gap between the casual non-tournament 40K-players and the casual non-40K-players who play everything except Games Workshops rules.

So I challenge my fellow club members, in particular my non-regular opponents who like 40K, to play a DropZone of FWC-wargame against me. Pictures, to make you horny: below.

Remember, btw, that I’d like to play an Adeptus Titanicus game or Kill Team. Don’t hesitate to counterchallenge me!

Veel te mooi 40K-toernooi in Pontania

Afgelopen zondag had Dino een 40K-toernooi georganiseerd dat een doorslaand succes is geworden. Zestien deelnemers (of zoiets) en uitmuntend terrein, deels nieuw ingekocht, deels uit onze schatkamer. En prachtige legers, allemaal geschilderd. Kijk even mee.

Tafel Jonathan en Björn. Hele sjieke Grey Knights namen het in hun space smoking op tegen een steampunk Giant. “Hey – zoek iemand van je eigen lengte!”.

Hierboven Dino met een sneeuwtafel.

En hierboven twee – ik wou zeggen dwergjes, maar ik vergis me geloof ik.

Hieronder: Jasper naast een urban jungle. Prima tafel, mooie mat, goeie pot, en toch was deze tafel ten opzichte van de ooguitstekers vrij gemiddeld. Oudste terrein uit de terreincollectie.

Hierboven Dick en Ricardo. Ricardo is degene met de spierballen (Dick is dan vast degene met de hersens, net zoals met Watson en Sherlock).

En hierboven zijn old school-modellen van Sjap, met op de achtergrond de Headless Warrior (aka Kipzonderkop) van zijn tegenstander.

Temidden trouwens van de piramides en het offerblok, die van alle tijden en dus zowel antiek als uitermate futuristisch zijn.

Uitstekend toernooi. Ik vernam dat Kruijff weer eens aan de winnende hand was en de show stal met oneliners zoals “van Eldar ken je dus niet winne, maar je ken wel van se verliese” en “je moet schiete, anders ken je niet scoren” maar dat hij net als zijn voorganger in 1974 naast de prijzen greep. Wie wel won volgt nog, maar het zal wel weer iemand zijn geweest die met een Schwalbe een penalty afdwong….

PS er is nog een verslaggever langsgeweest van het Parool. Dus er komt nog een voetbalverslag :-).