Website reboot

As mentioned in the blog, our website was hacked two months ago by a spamsite. A spamsite-robot-program exploited a recently discovered hole in the general Drupal-program code. Drupal is the programming language behind the internet pages. The bot ‘injected’ our website with a malicious code. Our (volunteer) Drupal webmaster deleted that code and our site works again. However, it is more vulnerable now. Sometimes a trace of the code pops up and then our site suddenly reports itself as a spamsite. The speed of the site might be affected. A new start in a safe, low-maintenance internet environment is the only real solution.

So we will in the next months migrate to WordPress while keeping the professional look, information and functionality of the website. It’s a software change only, domain name unchanged, provider unchanged, no extra cost except for maybe a cheap website layout template, Our current website will remain in use, no problem, keep publishing in the forum and use the agenda, keep using the booking system as a confirmation of your presence, but other content will be frozen, deleted or migrated.

I can probably do it on my own but WordPress tech help might be useful. Anybody?